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Shawn Nutley’s Blog

A Checklist for Those Starting a New Business

A Checklist for Those Starting a New Business

Starting a new venture can be overwhelming. While you may have a great idea and a strong entrepreneurial spirit, many factors should be considered before launching your venture.   Define Your Business Idea The first step is to define your idea. What problem are you...

5 Myths About Starting a Business

5 Myths About Starting a Business

Starting a business can be an exciting experience. Unfortunately, many myths surrounding entrepreneurship can be discouraging or lead to poor decisions.  Myth #1: You Need a Lot of Money to Start a Business Many people assume that starting a business requires a large...

Lessons That Can Be Learned From The Office

Lessons That Can Be Learned From The Office

The employees of Dunder Mifflin find themselves in silly yet wholesome situations throughout the mockumentary The Office. This popular, long-standing television series takes place in a fictionalized, mid-sized firm within the paper industry. Much like typical office...

Why Motivation Matters for Success

Why Motivation Matters for Success

It's hard to achieve success and feel happy in life without motivation. For instance, how can you pass an exam if you aren't motivated to study? Also, how can you be satisfied if you spend all of your time focusing on external goals, such as pleasing those around you...

Tips for Launching a New Venture in the New Year

Tips for Launching a New Venture in the New Year

New Year's resolutions are the traditional time to start working on your goals and dreams. If you're planning on starting a business, prepare now, not when the clock strikes midnight on December 31st. Especially for a first-time entrepreneur, there are several crucial...

Must-Watch YouTube Channels For Entrepreneurs

Must-Watch YouTube Channels For Entrepreneurs

As an entrepreneur, it's your responsibility to constantly educate yourself in order to push yourself and your business further. You might have a mentor in your life who helps you do this, or perhaps you enjoy reading books written by successful entrepreneurs. One...

The Best TED Talks For Entrepreneurs To Check Out In 2022

The Best TED Talks For Entrepreneurs To Check Out In 2022

The majority of entrepreneurs are highly motivated people. They have ideas and they work hard to turn those ideas into reality. What happens when an entrepreneur loses their motivation though? Without motivation, many entrepreneurs will struggle to get their ideas off...

The Best Apps For Entrepreneurs To Use Today

The Best Apps For Entrepreneurs To Use Today

Today's entrepreneurs are extremely busy, but with modern developments in technology, their jobs have also become a lot easier. Of those modern advancements, one of the greatest has got to be apps. There are so many wonderful apps available at our fingertips that can...

Must-Read Books For Entrepreneurs In 2022

Must-Read Books For Entrepreneurs In 2022

One of the most important factors in being an entrepreneur is your ability to constantly learn in your career. Whether you're a brand new entrepreneur trying to start your first business or you're an experienced one who has started major corporations, you'll always...