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Building and maintaining good working relationships is essential for success, both in your personal and professional life. But what if you’re part of a remote team? How can you establish connections with your colleagues when you’re not physically around them? Here are some tips to help build those relationships.

Talk to Your Coworkers

The best way to get to know your coworkers is to talk to them. Schedule regular chats, either in person or over a video call, and ask them about their lives, work, and hobbies. Not only will this help you build strong relationships with your colleagues, but it will also help you learn more about them and their work.

This also goes for people with who you don’t directly work. If you’re on a remote team spread out across different time zones, it can be tough to stay in touch with everyone. Make sure to reach out to your colleagues in other time zones and have conversations with them, even if it’s just a quick chat on Slack or a video call.

Be Active in Online Forums

If your team uses online forums to communicate, be active in them. Share your thoughts and ideas, and respond to other people’s posts. Not only will this help you build relationships with your colleagues, but it will also help you learn more about the company and its culture.

Create Opportunities for In-Person Connections

Even though you’re not physically around your colleagues, that doesn’t mean you can’t meet up with them in person. Plan team get-togethers, whether for a happy hour or to attend a conference together. Not only will this help you build better relationships with your colleagues, but it will also allow you to learn more about them and their work.

Stay Updated

The best way to stay connected with your remote team is to keep up-to-date on what’s going on. Make sure you’re checking in regularly and reading all the updates. This will help you feel more involved and connected to the team. To build connections with your remote colleagues, you need to talk to them! Try

One of the biggest challenges can be maintaining connections with your team when you work remotely. Use the tips above for establishing solid relationships with your colleagues, even when you’re not in the same room.