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How to Manage Lazy Employees

How to Manage Lazy Employees

Managing stubborn employees is one of the main challenges facing many bosses today. But everything doesn’t end up there. The problem could become very catastrophic if the appropriate action is not taken early enough. So, even if they’ve started reporting...
Notable International Fintech Companies for 2021

Notable International Fintech Companies for 2021

It is no secret that the fintech industry is growing with each passing year. With the upgrades in modern technology and industry know-how, the industry continues to soar. However, there are quite a few startups and early-stage fintech startups that have entered the...
How to Create a Bulletproof Patent

How to Create a Bulletproof Patent

In this day and age, patent laws are constantly changing and evolving, which means that there are no guarantees when it comes to patents. That being said, this is of concern to inventors, in particular, as they might have their innovations commercialized without...
Why Sleep Is Vital For Every Leader

Why Sleep Is Vital For Every Leader

Having better sleep is associated with great health and admirable leadership. Lack of enough sleep is detrimental to our health. It is a culprit to several health issues such as heart disease, diabetes, and obesity. People should know that taking sleeping pills can...
Books Every Leader Should Read

Books Every Leader Should Read

Outstanding leaders are not always born to lead. Sometimes, people find themselves forced into leadership positions. Leadership can be an acquired skill, and there are many resources available to help the new leader become successful. Hundreds, if not thousands, of...